14,116 research outputs found

    A Survey and Evaluation of High Energy Liquid Chemical Propulsion Systems

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    This report presents the results of a study to develop a procedure for evaluating liquid propellants in order (a) to select the most appropriate propellant (from among those under development) for each of several applications on each of the various missions in the NASA program, or (b) to select new propellants (from among those being proposed) for initiation or continuation of research and development. The analysis begins with a consideration of requirements--either for the specific application or for the various classes of applications. The known characteristics of the propellant or propellants to be evaluated are then put into a convenient form for evaluation. The next step is to determine whether or not there are requirements that simply cannot be met by the propellant. If the propellant passes this test, an optimum vehicle configuration using the propellant (and meeting all requirements) is estimated. (The configuration should be optimized with respect to the total resource consumption for all aspects of the mission, including R&D, production, logistics, and operation.) The total resource consumption for this configuration is then compared with that for similar configurations using other propellants (and meeting all requirements equally well). If all factors have been properly taken into account, this comparison of resource consumption will complete the evaluation. Such an evaluation may be performed several times, in increasing detail and with correspondingly increasing accuracy, as an R&D program proceeds, and the accuracy of the data as well as the cost of the next step in the program increase. The procedure is superior to those in common use in that it minimizes both the amount of analytical work and the number of points at which subjective value judgments are made

    The Growing Allocative Inefficiency of the U.S. Higher Education Sector

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    This paper presents new evidence on research and teaching productivity in universities. The findings are based on a panel that covers 1981-1999 and includes 102 top U.S. universities. Faculty size grows at 0.6 percent per year, compared with growth of 4.9 percent in the industrial science and engineering workforce. Measured by papers and citations per researcher, productivity grows at 1.4-6.7 percent per year and productivity and its rate of growth are higher in private than public universities. Measured by baccalaureate and graduate degrees per teacher, teaching productivity grows at 0.8-1.1 percent per year and growth is faster in public than private universities. A decomposition analysis shows that growth in research productivity within universities exceeds overall growth. This is because research shares grow more rapidly in universities whose productivity grows less rapidly. Likewise the research share of public universities increases even though productivity grows less rapidly in public universities. Together these findings suggest that allocative efficiency of U.S. higher education declined during the late 20th century. Regression analysis of individual universities finds that R&D stock, endowment, and postdoctoral students increase research productivity, that the effect of nonfederal R&D stock is less, and that research is subject to decreasing returns. Since the nonfederal R&D share grows and is much higher in public universities, this could account for some of the rising allocative inefficiency. The evidence for decreasing returns in research, which are greater than in teaching, suggests limits on the ability of more efficient institutions to expand and implies that differences in the scale of the teaching function are the primary reason for differences in university size. Besides all this the data strongly hint at growing financial pressures on U.S. public universities.

    Science and Industry: Tracing the Flow of Basic Research through Manufacturing and Trade

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    This paper describes flows of basic research through the U.S. economy and explores their implications for scientific output at the industry and field level. The time period is the late 20th century. This paper differs from others in its use of measures of science rather than technology. Together its results provide a more complete picture of the structure of basic research flows than was previously available. Basic research flows are high within petrochemicals and drugs and within a second cluster composed of software and communications. Flows of chemistry, physics, and engineering are common throughout industry; biology and medicine are almost confined to petrochemicals and drugs, and computer science is nearly as limited to software and communications. In general, basic research flows are more concentrated within scientific fields than within industries. The paper also compares effects of different types of basic research on scientific output. The main finding is that the academic spillover effect significantly exceeds that of industrial spillovers or industry basic research. Finally, within field effects exceed between field effects, while the within- and between industry effects are equal. Therefore, scientific fields limit basic research flows more than industries.

    Digital analysis of wind tunnel imagery to measure fluid thickness

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    Documented here are the procedure and results obtained from the application of digital image processing techniques to the problem of measuring the thickness of a deicing fluid on a model airfoil during simulated takeoffs. The fluid contained a fluorescent dye and the images were recorded under flash illumination on photographic film. The films were digitized and analyzed on a personal computer to obtain maps of the fluid thickness

    The Growing Allocative Inefficiency of the U.S. Higher Education Sector

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    This paper presents new evidence on research and teaching productivity in universities using a panel of 102 top U.S. schools during 1981-1999. Faculty employment grows at 0.6 percent per year, compared with growth of 4.9 percent in industrial researchers. Productivity growth per researcher is 1.4-6.7 percent and is higher in private universities. Productivity growth per teacher is 0.8-1.1 percent and is higher in public universities. Growth in research productivity within universities exceeds overall growth, because the research share grows in universities where productivity growth is less. This finding suggests that allocative efficiency of U.S. higher education declined during the late 20th century. R&D stock, endowment, and post-docs increase research productivity in universities, the effect of nonfederal R&D is less, and the returns to research are diminishing. Since the nonfederal R&D share grows and is higher in public schools, this may explain the rising inefficiency. Decreasing returns in research but not teaching suggest that most differences in university size are due to teaching.


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    Cost budgets are reported for 20 vegetable crops, with a total of 38 combinations of crop, machinery size, and market channel.Farm Management,
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